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Never Seen Such a Crazy Wife | True Story

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I got my first job 19 days before my wedding. Just 19 days ago. I fell in love with your future. We used to study together. I may not have had the right time for marriage then but Tanu means your sister-in-law had the perfect time for marriage then. So I decided to get married after getting the job. Father and mother also gave a lot of support. But my salary was not enough to support a family. Not at all. So I was a little worried about marriage.

In any case, no one in the new office would even call me for a cigarette. As a newcomer to the office, no one could find me. I used to go straight and talk. At the end of the office, I would see almost everyone standing down and smoking cigarettes. By story. But I never saw a senior sir (Rafiq) standing. After office holidays, I would see him walking straight to the house without looking left or right.

One day I noticed that one of our senior brothers was calling him for a cigarette. Sir did not come. Ekta walked away saying sorry with a polite smile.
As soon as he left, the rest of the people said, "I Have Never Seen Such a Crazy Wife." It seemed a bit offensive to me. New so I just listened and didn't say anything.
Two days later, everyone in the office planned to go for a walk on Friday. Rafiq Sir was invited and he said the same day
"No, brother, it is not possible. Your future birthday is on Tuesday. I returned home late that day because of the office. I will go for a walk tomorrow. ”
I found that day quite interesting. Said the man sitting at the table next to me
- Whoever goes to call him. He knows he can't go just by wasting word of mouth.
I spoke with a little courage that day.
- Sir is very weak towards family. Isn't it?
- What the hell is Mia weak? Do we have a wife or not? We are not crazy women like her.
Do not eat a tea bidi. Somehow the vegetarian type.
- Many do not eat.
- Hey, Mia used to eat first. Don't eat beer anymore. He used to go here and there with us, but after marriage he did nothing. Betty pretends to be minus. When you see these, your body burns.

I said nothing more. A few days later I went to Rafiq Sir with my wedding card. Sir very kind man. Seeing me, so many senior people got up and shook hands and greeted me. He told me to sit at his desk
- Starting a new life. Keep yourself well, keep him well too.
- Yes sir. Sir, I have invited your family. I know you don't go anywhere without Madame. So ...............
- Hahahaha no that's not the case. I move without him but that is very rare. Many in this office call me crazy. I know that but it doesn't feel bad. I never answer.
- Yes sir.
- Listen, Ifti. When everyone smokes cigarettes for 100 rupees every day, I go home every day with those 100 rupees to buy some trinkets for your madam. Girl people like these very much. Sometimes it doesn't even cost 100 rupees. I am happy to take a flower for 10 rupees. I can return home at night if I want. I can chat with everyone.
But since the day I think someone has been waiting for me since morning. I didn't get married just to do housework. He also wants to talk to me all day long. She's not just a product of sleeping with me at night, I've been home early since that day. I gave him time. I can go out alone if I want to. She wouldn't let me, even if she told me to go for a walk from time to time. I do not come. Well, Ifti said he can not be willing to hang out with me? Are all hobbies only for men?
These girls also want to ... Understand? I don't get angry when my wife calls me crazy. Besides, I think it's logical to be crazy about people who will stay with me until they die. No one will give water in the mouth when a friend dies. The one who will give is the wife. The one who will try to keep me well is my wife.
So keeping him well is important to me. She keeps my house well all day because I can keep her well. My parents love me. I am happy with my family.
I stared for a few minutes. A good look at the man shows that he is really good. And keeping this good is a very simple process. When I came out to say thank you, sir, sir said
- Ifti, I hope one day someone will listen to the story of your happiness with deep attention, learn and he will try to be good himself.

I left the room that day and cried when I heard Sir's words. I got a lot of energy. I learned how to be happy in my family life even if I got a low salary. The fear of marriage is gone.
In fact, if the brother works in the office all day and sees his wife's sullen face, then he will suffer from fasting. His wife is enough to keep a man physically and mentally healthy. The one who keeps healthy should be kept well first ...
I have been doing this for 6 years. I'm fine. At the end of the day, when I see the smile on Tanu's face, the fatigue is gone. I'm fine We are fine Although the salary was low, there was no lack of peace from the beginning. Not yet.
After the end of Ifti, Mr. Mizan said, "Pray for me so that I too can one day tell the story of being good to someone like this". Mr. Mizan became emotional.
Ifti laughed and Rafiq remembered Sir.

For a long time, there was no search for Sir. Ifti will make a phone call today. Office holidays now it's time to go home. He also gave up his cigarette after marriage. He also took something with him when he returned to Tanu. Today he will take "Jilapi" ...... Seeing that, Tanu must run and say "How do you know I want to eat Jilapi today?" ......

Written by: Zakia Kallol

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