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Careless Husband! | True Story

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Lisa and I have been married for 8 years now. Today is our wedding anniversary. Every year we go for a walk with Lisa on our wedding anniversary.

But under the pressure of office work, I forgot about this special day. Lisa didn't tell me anything about it.

I woke up in the morning and got a call from the boss. There is some work pending in the office, which must be completed by today.

When I was about to leave home in the morning, Lisa told me,

- Can't you have breakfast?

- No, there is a lot of work in the office, I will have breakfast from outside. You have breakfast.

Having said that, I quickly took a rickshaw.

Distance from home to office is 1 km.

After arriving at the office, the boss called me to his room.

- Boss, can I come?

- Yes, Mr. Fahad came.

- Boss, the things you told me to finish are not possible in one day.

- The works are pending for a long time today, even if it is a little difficult, we have to finish today.

(I thought for a moment)

- Yes boss, I'll finish and let you know.

Having said that, I came from the boss's room and focused on my work.

On this side, Lisa is alone at home! We have no children in our 6-year-old family! Their parents live in the village. I live in a rented house with Lisa due to my job.

Anyway, let's move on,

Today my wife may be angry with me! I forgot her wedding anniversary. (His idea)

That's when Lisa's phone rang

- You are having breakfast in the morning.

- No, I didn't, I didn't have time.

- You are doing well, if you get sick without eating like this, then I will not take care of you, I will go straight to my father's house.

- Lakshmi; Please don't be angry. I promised to eat after work.

- Yes, I don't have to talk anymore.

- Then tell me, my queen's anger has decreased?

- If the queen is angry. The queen does not know how to be angry. Please pay attention to work this time.

- Well, listen, give me a call after lunch. And don't listen; I can't concentrate on anything at work, don't give a picture with a smile, Empress!

- Now I can't give pictures with a smile on my face. I don't feel well.

- Ahh, let's just say I'm not feeling well. Who made the queen feel bad?

- Maha Rani's mind is already bad.

- Well, come home after work, then we will see how the queen is angry.

- Well, we'll see.

Lisa hung up the phone.

 Suddenly the sound came from the messenger tung!

As soon as I opened it, I saw a picture of my queen's smiling face. However, even with a smile on his face, it is clear that he brought a smile on his face with great difficulty.

There was nothing left to understand why Lisa was upset.

I finished all the office work with great difficulty! I explained the work to the boss and left for home.

I went to a flower shop before taking the rickshaw.

I bought a rose, along with a garland of belly flowers.

I bought a one-page black tip from the shop next door.

I bought a pair of anklets from the shop.

I bought a sari.

I also bought a glass bangle to match the sari.

Then I took a rickshaw.

When I was going home, the evening was approaching.

I hid everything in my office bag so as not to surprise Lisa so that she would not understand what was in my hand.

Coming home, I was ringing the Corning Bell,

Lisa opened the door.

There was nothing left to look at Lisa's face,

She's really had a hard time forgetting her wedding anniversary.

Besides, every year I go for a walk with Lisa on my wedding anniversary, but I didn't go today. It's a little late to return from the office.

I stared at Lisa's face for a while.

- Did you have lunch?

- Hmm, what did you eat at noon?

- I went to the hotel with my colleague in the afternoon and ate raw biryani.

- Well go, come fresh. I put breakfast on the table.

I pulled Lisa straight to my chest, then hugged her tightly! Lisa tried desperately to free herself from me but she failed.

- Hey, what's going on? I'm leaving now. Now is not the time for mischief. Go and be fresh.

Lisa took herself away from me and went to have breakfast at the table.

On this occasion, I took out a rose from the bag.

After a while, Lisa came to call me for food.

Then I hurried to my knees like a new lover and took a rose in my hand and said to Lisa:

- Happy wedding anniversary. I couldn't give you anything expensive, except this rose.

I may not be able to make you look like a real queen, but you are more valuable to me than a queen!

I am blessed to have you! It is my greatest selfishness and success to have you as my wife!

Every second of life, every minute, every hour, every day, every month, every year I just want to be with you. I don't want to leave you even for a moment.

"I love you, Lisa."

Lisa's eyes are watering. She is happily lost

Hug me

- It's really a matter of luck to have a husband like you. I misunderstood you today, please forgive me.

- Whose forgiveness? There will be no forgiveness. (I said from the bag with sari, bangle, tip leaf, and belly flower garland)

Now go, read these first and get ready. By that time I am fresh. I'll ride in a rickshaw, eat puffs, then think about whether I can be forgiven.

With that, I went to the washroom to freshen up.

The anklets were in the pocket.

When I came out of the washroom, I saw Lisa standing there wearing a sari. Looking at the black tip on her forehead, it seems that Lisa is really the queen of my kingdom.

When I saw Lisa, I fell in love with her again!

Then I took out a pair of anklets from my pocket and said to Lisa,

- Put your legs forward, I'll see.

- (Surprised) Why?

- Hey, give it first, then I say.

I put Lisa's leg between my knees and put on a pair of anklets.

Lisa looked at me in amazement. Tears are coming out of her eyes happily again!

Taking a tissue out of my pocket and wiping Lisa's eyes, I left the house to have a little more fun this year than every year on our 7th wedding anniversary.

Although other years revolve around daylight, today the two of us will be holding hands at night!

Writing by Md. Fahad Mia

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