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Time will not accomplish | Truth be Told

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Time will not accomplish

 Lalon Shah has a song;

"Time will not accomplish"!

If what you need at that time is not available then what will happen later?

Human mindset and needs; A lot changes with age. At that age people expect a little bit of time, love, care, or affection from their loved ones or life partner;

There is no point in waiting for her husband to become a lover at the age when she is supposed to be her lover, but waiting for her to be his nurse till old age!

There is no point in having a mate in old age without having a mate at that age.

Admittedly, old age requires trust, emotional support, and service.

But what does it take to reach old age?

If a person is ill, shouldn't he or be given mental reassurance before he is taken care of before he becomes ill? Isn't it possible to try to keep him mentally healthy?

People become mentally ill thousands of times before they become physically ill!

I don't know if there is any benefit in serving the partner when the disease reaches the body if the mind of the partner is not taken care of at the specified time.

There is no benefit in not understanding the importance of people at the wrong time! It is better to finish the work on time.

Depriving the loved one of his or her due time, care, and love on the pretext of busyness, showing compassion after the age has passed will only make him annoyed, but it will not help him to melt or fill his mind anymore.

When you don't get these, the desires of the people are completely shattered!

Believe me, at a certain age, there is really no need for these!

So whether you have time or age, take care of your partner's mind, give him time, and try to understand his wants and needs.

Learn to enjoy life as a partner/lover not only in old age but also in youth!

And when you come to the last age, there will be nothing to do but get frustrated with all this.

Writing by Md. Fahad Mia

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