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We are getting very cut | Truth be Told

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We are getting very cut.

Wake up drowsy in your sleep or in broad daylight.

Inside each other's dreams and in reality

We are being cut off.

There is no hiding, no veil in darkness and light.

In the setting sun on a cloudy day,

In stale teapots and all laziness,

Surprised by the monotonous work and all this silence

We are getting very cut.

We are spending our own time, aren't we?

You know the names of many flowers very well,

Hijal, Tamal, Pial and Devdaru, Nageshwar too, what else?

We are being cut off night and day

Inside the words, inside the melody, inside the poems and songs

In the sixties, seventies, and eighties,

Ninety and all

Everything is happening to us.

We're getting cut too. Tell everyone I'm fine.

Where I am and where I am not.

Wherever I run, I have no fatigue in running to you.

The bye road is being cut, the wheels of the train are being cut, the waiting is being cut, the reunion is also being cut, all of us are leaving happily, the time is coming together.

The jute-paid school, the forgotten tea shop, and the chatter at the station are also accepting.

The books are on vacation, and the library is also smiling and saying, "Go Bapu!"

Our Chaitra and Baishakh are also being cut, and our five taka bus fare, keyring, and curved moon, these dates are also being cut in the calendar,

All of us are going through a lot because of the huge one surviving

Just like us, nothing else, no one else!

Writing by Jannatul Noor Disha

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