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When a girl is Beautiful | Marry the student | Truth be Told

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When a girl is Beautiful

If the girl is a little beautiful. It doesn't take anything else. You don't have to be upset in the long run.

When you upload a picture on social media, it is filled with reactions and comments. Sargam stays in the inbox.

If she has a boyfriend, she also becomes very caring. Boyfriends do not want to leave.

He can't leave without doing any whim to his relatives.

When a stranger asks for help, ten people come running to help.

If you can't read in class, sirs don't threaten loudly.

The boss of the office does not put more work pressure than on the face.

Whatever you say, beautiful girls are always preferred by men. Their dishonesty, anger, arrogance, lust, and tears are all fairly well priced.

Writing: To Ra

Marry the student 

Can't a new system be introduced into our society?

We boys went to see the bride for marriage and handed over a thousand taka notes in the name of Bakshis. Why this issue seems indecent to me. Giving money directly means insulting a girl. The girl is very reluctant to take that money. He may have to take it even after being ashamed to follow the social rules.

But if that were the case, the bridegroom would take a packet of books as a gift for the bride when he went to see her. What would it be like then?

The girl would happily pick up the book without hesitation.

There would have been a huge collection of books in the daughter's collection before marriage.

One can also get an idea about the mentality of the pot by looking at the selection of pot books.

Each house would become a library.

I think people will become more enthusiastic about reading books only by changing this rule of giving money and introducing the rule of books.

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

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