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The First Day you Suddenly Hugged - Truth BeTold

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The first day you Suddenly Hugged

The first day I hugged you after standing in front of you with pride, I forcibly removed you from my chest for fear of being seen by anyone.

But I didn't notice, my shirt was wet with your tears.

I didn't know if I loved you then.

The day I came away from you, I saw a strange smile on your face and thought, you didn't get hurt.

But only God knows how much sadness was behind your laughter.

I didn't understand that day, whether I love you at all.

Your hustle and bustle, your arrogance when you don't talk, your loneliness, you don't like anything; I didn't have any headaches!

That said, I wasn't even sure if I loved you then.

Then the day I lost you with such uncertainty of loving you, emptiness surrounded me from all sides.

I'm still not sure if I loved you at all!

When your emptiness in your emptiness stops, I still don't know if I really loved you.

After losing your appetite for food, I'm still not sure if all of this is due to you losing your cigarette butt!

The man who used to sleep peacefully for a while at night, the man who can't sleep at night nowadays swallows the sleeping pill every day!

There is no sleeping pill in the world that can bring sleep to my eyes with such uncertainty of loving you!

You can't be good with the uncertainty of love and home, no! You can't be good at all.

The last time I saw you - tears in my eyes, a hundred complaints against me, an intense longing to get closer to me.

I realized that day, that you love me.

But I'm not sure if I've ever loved you at all.

Today I am talking about the uncertainty of loving you and not living at home; it would not be bad to find you!

I love or not, at least you love me, always be by my side, take care of me, but it would not be really bad!

In a rickshaw with a hood,

On an unfamiliar street,

Tong's store offers color tea,

I want you

Wearing a blue sari,

Blue bangles adorn the hand,

Pressing black on the forehead,

I want you

Rainy evening,

In the window of the heart,

Waiting for someone to stand,

I want you at the end of the rain.

In the middle of the night,

In the outstretched hand,

Just want you

In the morning sleep,

Wet hair suddenly,

As a wake-up alarm,

Just want you

Holiday leisure,


On a long drive around,

Just want you

The last breath of life,

Broken faith,

Vacation for you;

Finally, I want you.

Writing by Md. Fahad Mia

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