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Better a Poor Horse Than No Horse At All - Truth beTold

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 Better a poor horse than no horse at all.

I'm never in favor of separation. But I'm not saying you have to spend your whole life with the wrong people!

There is no way to understand the difference between the right person and the wrong person, but living with a person when it is proven that the person is wrong; there is no point in staying away from him!

Wrong people can never be transformed into right people with hundreds of attempts. You will become inhuman if you try to make a person whose lies, deceptions, and indifferent attitudes are hidden by nature, but you will not be able to make him a human being anymore!

Hundreds of neglects and hundreds of hardships will be sacrificed daily, but the man who is entirely wrong will never think of you, will never sacrifice you!

Because he himself knows how he treats you, but even then you can't leave him, you can't leave him.

The family is not for a few months or 1 era. Sacrifice, sympathy, sense of responsibility, understanding, love, and care for each other through all the joys and sorrows, laughter and tears, deprivation and deprivation, the name of the family is to pass each other's life till death!

At least the family can not be with the wrong people!

I say again; not at all!

They have to be left just like them so that they can find someone just like them. Then you will see, one day they will feel sorry for you.

There is only one life, and no one will decorate this life with color, but you will have to decorate it yourself. See how beautiful life is!

Man goes out of his mind because of his nature! The one whose lies and deceptions are hidden by nature can never find a place in anyone's mind; not at all!

Writing by Md.Fahad Mia

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