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Whatever Happens to you and Whatever you Want! | Truth beTold

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Whatever Happens to You

Many may love you but not everyone will evaluate or understand you!

Above all, depending on how important you are to the person, how much you are involved in the person's life, or whether the person has an option in his life, he will evaluate you!

The one who has no value to you will only say in words that he loves you!

But you will not find any evidence of his behavior.

Whenever you go to complain about it, people will try to convince you in various ways that the person really understands you or evaluates you.

The man who never understands you, never tries to understand; how will that man evaluate you?

Yet your simple mind melts into ice at the words of that man's son!

Give yourself a chance to repeat the same behavior over and over again.

And he complains unnecessarily, keeps pride in his mind, and keeps on regretting.

Repeatedly fail to explain your worth to the helpless person.

But how long has this been the case? Is there any benefit in trying to explain one's worth to oneself, which means worthless in behavior?

The man who doesn't care about you, doesn't value you-does he loves you and does not love you?

Anyone in the world can live well, but very few people can make a proper assessment of themselves!

You care enough about a man, very caring about him.

But will the man care about you?

You must remember that if the Creator gave everyone the ability to appreciate the value of things, then no one would leave pure gold; they would not run after copper thinking it was gold!

No one in the world would be disappointed if everyone had the same mentality as their own mentality.

If you believe him who does not evaluate you but verbally understands what he will do for you, you will surely be deceived!

What good is a website if it simply "blends in" with everything else out there?

It's very easy for a person who is constantly playing with your beliefs to play with your emotions!

Repeatedly you will want to move but again and again, it will stop you from lying by arranging it very nicely. He will close the road in his own way!

Forget everything again and again and give yourself another chance to make yourself cheap to him.

Then you will not be able to be worthless with him and you will not be able to move away from him.

You have to end up like a helpless person in order to present yourself to him as cheap.

He will dance the way he dances because he knows very well; that you cannot leave even if you do not care.

The man who thinks you are worthless will then rule exclusively; and you?

You will be chained in the chains of slavery and will just squirm in the pain of death!

Whatever you want!

I forgot to love myself when I went to love you!

All the lights have gone out in my yard to bring sunshine to your yard!

Lost in you, again and again, a thousand times.

Finally, I'm missing you!

When I go to hate you, I sit to hate myself, I am being destroyed every day by burning in the fire of hatred.

Forbidden love, poisonous kiss on the lips,

On the last journey of the forbidden journey, I wandered like a misguided disobedient lover in the alleys of the city.

As soon as your deep breath was heated by the poisonous kiss and touched my chest, I realized,

How much more burned in the fire than I burned in you.

Touching your hand, I realized that love is better than desire.

The smell of your hair, the bangles on your hands,

And falling in love with the blue sari wrapped around her body, I realized,

Satisfaction is found in many more things than desire.

I'm lost in you,

Rather than looking for love in the folds of the lover's body, the happiness of the world is mixed between seeing the smiling face of the lover.

Writing by Md. Fahad Mia

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